Why Do We Suffer? – Job 7:1-21

Job lost it all – family, business, health, property – and with all of that he lost all hope. In the 7th Chapter of Job he comes out swinging. He has nothing left to lose so he lays it all on the line before God. His entire life seems futile. He can’t even find rest in his sleep. His misery haunts him night and day.

We have all had days . . . or weeks . . . or months . . . or years when we have felt this way. Maybe it wasn’t to the degree that Job felt it or maybe it was. The thing is that suffering is a part of the human condition. We live in a fallen world. We live in a decaying world. The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics says that entropy is the soup of the day and that soup is constantly cooling not unlike our physical bodies when we pass from this world to the next. We are decaying right along with the rest of creation and that decay leads to suffering. It’s inevitable.

Job didn’t deny this. He pointed it out and told us how it affected him in every way. Physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually he was experiencing his anguish.

As we look at our own struggles we have a marked advantage over Job. He didn’t have the scripture to give him guidance in how to endure the pain and suffering of this world. He didn’t have the indwelling Spirit to guide him into all knowledge. And he didn’t have the example of the Suffering Servant, Mashiach, the Messiah, Jesus Christ, to serve as an example of how to live victoriously even as our mortal bodies are dying pathetically. The Scriptures give insight into why we suffer and how to live as we suffer. That’s what this study was all about.

This Bible study was presented to the Agape Life Bible Study Class of the First Baptist Church in Brenham, Texas, on Sunday, June 9, 2024. It is part of a series in a Bible study curriculum called Connect 360, published by the GC2 Press of the Baptist General Convention of Texas. The overall title of the current set of lessons is Praise Him in the Storm: When Life Falls Apart – A Study of Job. You can find printed and digital versions of this series online at https://gc2press.org/praise-him-in-the-storm-job-study-guide/ .Handouts with slide content can be requested at: fromthebackporchintexas@gmail.com . Handouts are also available at: fromthebackporch.org .

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